1: The fees to be claimed must be well detailed together with all the other agreements of the community.
2: The minutes must contain the following information, the place, date and time of the meeting, the attendees and their participation coefficients, the agenda and their participation coefficients, the agenda, the name and signature of the president and the secretary.
3: Check that the fees claimed are correctly calculated. If necessary, a meeting will be called to correct the errors.
4: Check the ownership of the property.
5: Attempt to request payment amicably from the owner.
6: Convene a General Meeting and agree to settle the debt and claim it in court.
7: Request payment in writing at the owner's address, giving a specific deadline for payment.
8: If the notification is unsuccessful, the secretary of the community will issue a certificate indicating these circumstances and the details of the debt.
9: Post this certificate with the approval of the president on the notice board or in a visible place, giving a short deadline for payment.
10: File the claim in court (this is not compulsory but it is advisable to have a lawyer).